Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Mina Grey Link

Here is another link I'm sharing with you. I think it may take a while for it to appear. Great site for Poetry, Music and Art which are some of my favorites.
Mina Grey "A Place for Artists To Connect"http://mina-grey.com/

Selling Tips

Great tips on selling art from a fellow artist @Sharon Cummings. Here is the link: http://sharoncummings.wordpress.com/2013/11/26/3-ps-the-art-of-selling-art/comment-page-1/#comment-1472

Friday, November 22, 2013

Holidays and Painting

Many people will be celebrating holidays over the next couple of months with festivities such as parties, dinners, and gifts, and gatherings and I am one of them. I love the holidays and love to paint and work on my art, but the holiday hustle and bustle do  take me away from much time I would normally spend on painting.

Do you find time for your art dwindling away this time of year or manage to squeeze in some time somehow? Are you inspired by the decorations and festivities around you? I'd love to hear from you about ways you find to draw or paint, and I will share mine with you too.

Meanwhile, here in the United states, Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. The day after Friday is called Black Friday and with Christmas only a month away from Thanksgiving,  it is considered the busiest shopping day of the year. I noticed a framing company starting a discount early, so I did the same.

If you happen to be an enthusiast, collector or wanting a peek at my work, you can see it here: http://pixels.com/art/all/Tina+A+Stoffel/all. The discount code through the end of November is BXCNJF.

Here is a recent photo of me working on a painting inspired by the beautiful Fall colors. Hoping to finish this soon.

Thanks for reading. Check in again next week. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Welcome to the Drawing to Canvas Blog.

Being involved in something artistic most of my life, has finally brought me to my true passion and that is painting. This journey has been evolving for quite some time now and I want to share some of it with you whether you are an enthusiast, a collector, beginner or seasoned artist with many years of experience.

While oil painting is my planned focus, I will be blogging about creative ideas, the importance of drawing, business, techniques, materials and more. Updates will occur approximately weekly, so be sure to check in. In the meantime, stay creative and enjoy the beauty of life through art!